Since 2011, Ellebag has been focus best quality replica bag, yes, we start with Louis Vuitton replica bags, before 2011, we are the untold 187 factory. With enough experience with LV bag replica skill, we expand our footprint to Chanel bags and Hermes bag, we are the biggest importer of Haas leather factory of France, and some special leather channels, hardware channels, yes, we hired the most skilled bag making workers in Guangzhou, China.

Ellebag has the impressive LV monogram leather quality, tursted by over 30K customers.

Over our 12 years in business, we have gained a deep understanding of the industry. We are dedicated to delivering value-for-money replica designer handbags and providing exceptional customer service.

Customer love our PSP service

Yes, photo before shipping is our standard service. Ellebag doing long term business with customers, most our customers knows that, Ellebag will not give up quality assurance. 

Our bags are not cheap, if quality matters to you too, we are the same way person.